Vespa Cloud exports log data, heap dumps, and Java Flight Recorder sessions to buckets in AWS S3. This guide explains how to access this data. Access to the data must happen through an AWS account controlled by the tenant. Data traffic to access this data is charged to this AWS account.
These resources are needed to get started:
Access is configured through the Vespa Cloud Console in the tenant account screen. Choose the "archive" tab to see the settings below.
First, the IAM Role must be granted access to the S3 buckets in Vespa Cloud. This is done by entering the IAM Role in the setting seen above. Vespa Cloud will then grant access to that role to the S3 buckets.
Second, the IAM Role must be granted access to resources inside Vespa Cloud. AWS requires both permissions to be registered in both Vespa Cloud's AWS account (step 1) and the tenant's AWS account (step 2). Copy the policy from the user interface and attach it to the IAM Role - or make your own equivalent policy should you have other requirements. For more information, see the AWS documentation.
Once permissions have been granted, the IAM Role can access the contents of the archive buckets. Any AWS S3 client will work, but the AWS command line client is an easy tool to use. The settings page will list all buckets where data is stored, typically one bucket per zone the tenant has applications.
The --request-payer=requester
parameter is mandatory to make sure network traffic
is charged to the correct AWS account.
Refer to access-log-lambda
for how to install and use aws cli
, which can be used to download logs as in the illustration,
or e.g. list objects:
$ aws s3 ls --profile=archive --request-payer=requester \
PRE album-rec-searcher/
PRE cord-19/
PRE vespacloud-docsearch/
In the example above, the S3 bucket name is and the tenant name is vespa-team (for that particular prod zone). Archiving is per tenant, and a log file is normally stored with a key like:
The URI to this object is hence:
Objects are exported once generated - access log files are compressed and exported at least once per hour.
If you are having problems accessing the files, please run
aws sts get-caller-identity
to verify that you are correctly assuming the role which has been granted access.
When processing logs using a lambda function, write a minimal function to list objects, to sort out access / keys / roles:
const aws = require("aws-sdk");
const s3 = new aws.S3({ apiVersion: "2006-03-01" });
const findRelevantKeys = ({ Bucket, Prefix }) => {
console.log(`Finding relevant keys in bucket ${Bucket}`);
return s3
.listObjectsV2({ Bucket: Bucket, Prefix: Prefix, RequestPayer: "requester" })
.then((res) => => ({ Bucket, Key: content.Key }))
.catch((err) => Error(err));
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
const options = { Bucket: "", Prefix: "MY-TENANT-NAME/" };
return findRelevantKeys(options)
.then((res) => {
console.log("response: ", res);
return { statusCode: 200 };
.catch((err) => ({ statusCode: 500, message: err }));
Note: Always set RequestPayer: "requester"
to access the objects -
transfer cost is assigned to the requester.
Once the above lists the log files from S3, review access-log-lambda for how to write a function to decompress and handle the log data.