Troubleshooting character encoding

This document helps recognize the most common problems related to Unicode and I18N.

UTF-8 is a Unicode specific encoding where each letter (code point) is encoded as one to four 8 bit bytes. The UTF-8 schema can technically use more bytes, but Unicode is defined as having approximately 1 million code points (partly on cause of limitations of UTF-16), and more than four bytes are then never necessary.

A string in Java is stored as UTF-16, a series of 16 bits char(acter)s. All code points in Unicode base plane, the first 64k code points, is represented as a single char, while higher code points is represented using surrogate pairs. A surrogate pair is a pair of char from a reserved range.

Accessing a code point in a Java string is done using e.g. String.codePointAt(), which then returns a 32-bit integer representing the code point (basically UCS-4). When traversing a string in Java, use codePointAt + offsetByCodePoints or String.codePoints() or similar methods. If your applications conceptually handles letters, using String.charAt() will most of the time be wrong. To calculate buffer sizes for UTF-8 buffers with UTF-16 inputs without doing speculative encoding, Vespa has a toolbox,, with static helper methods.

If you are using python, use the following to remove control characters:

def remove_control_characters(s):
    return "".join(ch for ch in s if unicodedata.category(ch)[0]!="C")

Visual pattern matching of encoding bugs

Transformation Result
Input hôtel
Correctly URL quoted (Vespa always uses UTF-8 there) h%C3%B4tel
Encoded as ISO-8859-1 (ISO Latin-1), then URL quoted h%F4tel
Encoded as UTF-16 (as in Java strings), then URL quoted %00h%00%F4%00t%00e%00l
For completeness, little endian UTF-16, including byte order marker %FF%FEh%00%F4%00t%00e%00l%00

What we are looking for is single bytes outside ASCII, i.e. ordinal above 127. Given UTF-8, there should always be sequences of two or more of these when a code point is outside ASCII. The first byte for each code point will have the two most significant bits set, in other words hex C to hex F. The rest of the bytes for that code point will have the most significant bit set, and the second most unset, in other words hex 8 to hex B.

From here, we move on to the two most common de-/encoding errors:

ErrorHex dump of code pointsRendered
UTF-8 input decoded as if it were ISO-8859-1 h\xc3\xb4tel hôtel
UTF-8 input re-encoded as UTF-8, then decoded as UTF-8 again h\xc3\xb4tel hôtel

Note how these two bugs create exactly the same byte sequences. This is because the first 256 code points of Unicode are identical to ISO-8859-1. What we are looking for is line noise in-between normal ASCII, as both ISO-8859-1 and Unicode are ASCII compatible.

Trying to decode valid ISO-8859-1 input with a UTF-8 decoder will usually make the decoder report the input as invalid if there are code points outside ASCII. Valid ISO-8859-1 rarely end up conforming to the required bit patterns of valid UTF-8, though it sometimes happens.

Never try to debug encoding problems with a web browser. Always use a hexdump tool. xxd is a nice utility which is included with vim, which avoids several of the endianness headaches associated with some UNIX alternatives.

Also, remember Windows 1252 is not the same as ISO-8859-1.


Use proper JSON - a common error is not stripping ASCII control characters from feed data. See stripInvalidCharacters for a utility function.