Name | Unit | Description |
configserver.requests |
request | Number of requests processed |
configserver.failedRequests |
request | Number of requests that failed |
configserver.latency |
millisecond | Time to complete requests |
configserver.cacheConfigElems |
item | Time to complete requests |
configserver.cacheChecksumElems |
item | Number of checksum elements in the cache |
configserver.hosts |
node | The number of nodes being served configuration from the config server cluster |
configserver.tenants |
instance | The number of tenants being served configuration from the config server cluster |
configserver.applications |
instance | The number of applications being served configuration from the config server cluster |
configserver.delayedResponses |
response | Number of delayed responses |
configserver.sessionChangeErrors |
session | Number of session change errors |
configserver.unknownHostRequests |
request | Config requests from unknown hosts |
configserver.newSessions |
session | New config sessions |
configserver.preparedSessions |
session | Prepared config sessions |
configserver.activeSessions |
session | Active config sessions |
configserver.inactiveSessions |
session | Inactive config sessions |
configserver.addedSessions |
session | Added config sessions |
configserver.removedSessions |
session | Removed config sessions |
configserver.rpcServerWorkQueueSize |
item | Number of elements in the RPC server work queue |
maintenanceDeployment.transientFailure |
operation | Number of maintenance deployments that failed with a transient failure |
maintenanceDeployment.failure |
operation | Number of maintenance deployments that failed with a permanent failure |
maintenance.successFactorDeviation |
fraction | Configserver: Maintenance Success Factor Deviation |
maintenance.duration |
millisecond | Configserver: Maintenance Duration |
configserver.zkConnectionLost |
connection | Number of ZooKeeper connections lost |
configserver.zkReconnected |
connection | Number of ZooKeeper reconnections |
configserver.zkConnected |
node | Number of ZooKeeper nodes connected |
configserver.zkSuspended |
node | Number of ZooKeeper nodes suspended |
configserver.zkZNodes |
node | Number of ZooKeeper nodes present |
configserver.zkAvgLatency |
millisecond | Average latency for ZooKeeper requests |
configserver.zkMaxLatency |
millisecond | Max latency for ZooKeeper requests |
configserver.zkConnections |
connection | Number of ZooKeeper connections |
configserver.zkOutstandingRequests |
request | Number of ZooKeeper requests in flight |
orchestrator.lock.acquire-latency |
second | Time to acquire zookeeper lock |
orchestrator.lock.acquire-success |
operation | Number of times zookeeper lock has been acquired successfully |
orchestrator.lock.acquire-timedout |
operation | Number of times zookeeper lock couldn't be acquired within timeout |
orchestrator.lock.acquire |
operation | Number of attempts to acquire zookeeper lock |
orchestrator.lock.acquired |
operation | Number of times zookeeper lock was acquired |
orchestrator.lock.hold-latency |
second | Time zookeeper lock was held before it was released | |
node | The number of active nodes in a cluster |
nodes.nonActive |
node | The number of non-active nodes in a cluster |
nodes.nonActiveFraction |
node | The fraction of non-active nodes vs total nodes in a cluster |
nodes.exclusiveSwitchFraction |
fraction | The fraction of nodes in a cluster on exclusive network switches |
nodes.emptyExclusive |
node | The number of exclusive hosts that do not have any nodes allocated to them |
nodes.expired.deprovisioned |
node | The number of deprovisioned nodes that have expired |
nodes.expired.dirty |
node | The number of dirty nodes that have expired |
nodes.expired.inactive |
node | The number of inactive nodes that have expired |
nodes.expired.provisioned |
node | The number of provisioned nodes that have expired |
nodes.expired.reserved |
node | The number of reserved nodes that have expired |
cluster.cost |
dollar_per_hour | The cost of the nodes allocated to a certain cluster, in $/hr |
cluster.load.ideal.cpu |
fraction | The ideal cpu load of a certain cluster |
cluster.load.ideal.memory |
fraction | The ideal memory load of a certain cluster |
cluster.load.ideal.disk |
fraction | The ideal disk load of a certain cluster |
cluster.load.peak.cpu |
fraction | The peak cpu load in the period considered of a certain cluster |
cluster.load.peak.memory |
fraction | The peak memory load in the period considered of a certain cluster |
cluster.load.peak.disk |
fraction | The peak disk load in the period considered of a certain cluster |
zone.working |
binary | The value 1 if zone is considered healthy, 0 if not. This is decided by considering the number of non-active nodes vs the number of active nodes in a zone |
cache.nodeObject.hitRate |
fraction | The fraction of cache hits vs cache lookups for the node object cache |
cache.nodeObject.evictionCount |
item | The number of cache elements evicted from the node object cache |
cache.nodeObject.size |
item | The number of cache elements in the node object cache |
cache.curator.hitRate |
fraction | The fraction of cache hits vs cache lookups for the curator cache |
cache.curator.evictionCount |
item | The number of cache elements evicted from the curator cache |
cache.curator.size |
item | The number of cache elements in the curator cache |
wantedRestartGeneration |
generation | Wanted restart generation for tenant node |
currentRestartGeneration |
generation | Current restart generation for tenant node |
wantToRestart |
binary | One if node wants to restart, zero if not |
wantedRebootGeneration |
generation | Wanted reboot generation for tenant node |
currentRebootGeneration |
generation | Current reboot generation for tenant node |
wantToReboot |
binary | One if node wants to reboot, zero if not |
retired |
binary | One if node is retired, zero if not |
wantedVespaVersion |
version | Wanted vespa version for the node, in the form MINOR.PATCH. Major version is not included here |
currentVespaVersion |
version | Current vespa version for the node, in the form MINOR.PATCH. Major version is not included here |
wantToChangeVespaVersion |
binary | One if node want to change Vespa version, zero if not |
hasWireguardKey |
binary | One if node has a WireGuard key, zero if not |
wantToRetire |
binary | One if node wants to retire, zero if not |
wantToDeprovision |
binary | One if node wants to be deprovisioned, zero if not |
failReport |
binary | One if there is a fail report for the node, zero if not |
suspended |
binary | One if the node is suspended, zero if not |
suspendedSeconds |
second | The number of seconds the node has been suspended |
activeSeconds |
second | The number of seconds the node has been active |
numberOfServicesUp |
instance | The number of services confirmed to be running on a node |
numberOfServicesNotChecked |
instance | The number of services supposed to run on a node, that has not checked |
numberOfServicesDown |
instance | The number of services confirmed to not be running on a node |
someServicesDown |
binary | One if one or more services has been confirmed to not run on a node, zero if not |
numberOfServicesUnknown |
instance | The number of services the config server does not know is running on a node |
nodeFailerBadNode |
binary | One if the node is failed due to being bad, zero if not |
downInNodeRepo |
binary | One if the node is registered as being down in the node repository, zero if not |
numberOfServices |
instance | Number of services supposed to run on a node |
lockAttempt.acquireMaxActiveLatency |
second | Maximum duration for keeping a lock, ending during the metrics snapshot, or still being kept at the end or this snapshot period |
lockAttempt.acquireHz |
operation_per_second | Average number of locks acquired per second the snapshot period |
lockAttempt.acquireLoad |
operation | Average number of locks held concurrently during the snapshot period |
lockAttempt.lockedLatency |
second | Longest lock duration in the snapshot period |
lockAttempt.lockedLoad |
operation | Average number of locks held concurrently during the snapshot period |
lockAttempt.acquireTimedOut |
operation | Number of locking attempts that timed out during the snapshot period |
lockAttempt.deadlock |
operation | Number of lock grab deadlocks detected during the snapshot period |
lockAttempt.errors |
operation | Number of other lock related errors detected during the snapshot period |
hostedVespa.docker.totalCapacityCpu |
vcpu | Total number of VCPUs on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.totalCapacityMem |
gigabyte | Total amount of memory on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.totalCapacityDisk |
gigabyte | Total amount of disk space on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.freeCapacityCpu |
vcpu | Total number of free VCPUs on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.freeCapacityMem |
gigabyte | Total amount of free memory on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.freeCapacityDisk |
gigabyte | Total amount of free disk space on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.allocatedCapacityCpu |
vcpu | Total number of allocated VCPUs on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.allocatedCapacityMem |
gigabyte | Total amount of allocated memory on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.docker.allocatedCapacityDisk |
gigabyte | Total amount of allocated disk space on tenant hosts managed by hosted Vespa in a zone |
hostedVespa.pendingRedeployments |
task | The number of hosted Vespa re-deployments pending |
hostedVespa.docker.skew |
fraction | A number in the range 0..1 indicating how well allocated resources are balanced with availability on hosts |
hostedVespa.activeHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "active" |
hostedVespa.breakfixedHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "breakfixed" |
hostedVespa.deprovisionedHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "deprovisioned" |
hostedVespa.dirtyHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "dirty" |
hostedVespa.failedHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "failed" |
hostedVespa.inactiveHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "inactive" |
hostedVespa.parkedHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "parked" |
hostedVespa.provisionedHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "provisioned" |
hostedVespa.readyHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "ready" |
hostedVespa.reservedHosts |
host | The number of managed hosts that are in state "reserved" |
hostedVespa.activeNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "active" |
hostedVespa.breakfixedNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "breakfixed" |
hostedVespa.deprovisionedNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "deprovisioned" |
hostedVespa.dirtyNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "dirty" |
hostedVespa.failedNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "failed" |
hostedVespa.inactiveNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "inactive" |
hostedVespa.parkedNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "parked" |
hostedVespa.provisionedNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "provisioned" |
hostedVespa.readyNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "ready" |
hostedVespa.reservedNodes |
host | The number of managed nodes that are in state "reserved" |
overcommittedHosts |
host | The number of hosts with over-committed resources |
spareHostCapacity |
host | The number of spare hosts |
throttledHostFailures |
host | Number of host failures stopped due to throttling |
throttledNodeFailures |
host | Number of node failures stopped due to throttling |
nodeFailThrottling |
binary | Metric indicating when node failure throttling is active. The value 1 means active, 0 means inactive |
clusterAutoscaled |
operation | Number of times a cluster has been rescaled by the autoscaler |
deployment.prepareMillis |
millisecond | Duration of deployment preparations |
deployment.activateMillis |
millisecond | Duration of deployment activations |
throttledHostProvisioning |
binary | Value 1 if host provisioning is throttled, 0 if not |