
  • Java library and command line client for feeding document operations using Document v1 over HTTP/2.
  • Asynchronous, high-performance Java implementation, with retries and dynamic throttling.
  • Supports a JSON array of feed operations, as well as JSONL: one operation JSON per line.


Java library

The Java library is available as a Maven JAR artifact at Maven Central.

Command line client

Two alternatives:

Download example:

$ F_REPO="" && \
  F_VER=$(curl -Ss "${F_REPO}/maven-metadata.xml" | sed -n 's/.*<release>\(.*\)<.*>/\1/p') && \
  curl -SsLo ${F_REPO}/${F_VER}/vespa-feed-client-cli-${F_VER} && \
  unzip -o

Enable feed endpoint in Vespa


HTTP/2 over TLS is optional but recommended from a security perspective.

Example services.xml with TLS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<services version="1.0">
    <container version="1.0" id="default">
            <server id="default" port="443">

Example services.xml without TLS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<services version="1.0">
    <container version="1.0" id="default">

Using the client

The Javadoc for the programmatic API is available at See output of $ vespa-feed-client --help for usage.

Use --speed-test for bandwidth testing.

Example Java

Add vespa-feed-client as dependency to your Maven (or other build system using Maven for dependency management):


Code examples are listed in the vespa-feed-client source code on GitHub.

Example command line

HTTP/2 over TLS:

$ vespa-feed-client \
  --connections 4 \
  --certificate cert.pem --private-key key.pem --ca-certificates ca.pem \
  --file /path/to/json/file \
  --endpoint https://container-endpoint:443/

The input must be either a proper JSON array, or a series, of JSON feed operations (JSONL), in the format described for the Vespa feed client here.

HTTP/2 without TLS:

$ vespa-feed-client \
  --connections 4 \
  --file /path/to/json/file \
  --endpoint http://container-endpoint:8080/