Benchmarking a Vespa application is essential to get an idea of how well the test configuration performs. Thus, benchmarking is an essential part of sizing a search cluster itself. Benchmarking a cluster can answer the following questions:
These in turn indirectly answers other questions such as how many nodes are needed, and if it will help to upgrade disk or CPU. Thus, benchmarking will help in finding the optimal Vespa configuration, using all resources optimally, which in turn lowers costs.
A good rule is to benchmark whenever the workload changes. Benchmarking should also be done when adding new features to queries.
Having an understanding of the query mix and SLA will help to set the test parameters. Before benchmarking, consider:
to with the
vespa-fbench -a
in YQL takes precedenceIf benchmarking using Vespa Cloud, see Vespa Cloud Benchmarking.
Vespa provides a query load generator tool, vespa-fbench, to run queries and generate statistics - much like a traditional web server load generator. It allows running any number of clients (i.e. the more clients, the higher load), for any length of time, and adjust the client response time before issuing the next query. It outputs the throughput, max, min, and average latency, as well as the 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99 and 99.9 latency percentiles. This provides quite accurate information of how well the system manages the workload.
Disclaimer: vespa-fbench is a tool to drive load for benchmarking and tuning.
It is not a tool for finding the maximum load
or latencies in a production setting.
This is due to the way it is implemented: It is run with -n
number of clients per run.
It is good for testing, as proton can be observed at different levels of concurrency.
In the real world, the number of clients and query arrival will follow a different distribution,
and impact 95p / 99p latency percentiles.
vespa-fbench uses query files for GET and POST queries - see the reference - examples: HTTP GET requests:
/search/?yql=select%20%2A%20from%20sources%20%2A%20where%20trueHTTP POST requests format:
/search/ {"yql" : "select * from sources * where true"}
A typical vespa-fbench command looks like:
$ vespa-fbench -n 8 -q queries.txt -s 300 -c 0 8080
This starts 8 clients, using requests read from queries.txt
The -s
parameter indicates that the benchmark will run for 300 seconds.
The -c
parameter, states that each client thread should wait for 0 milliseconds between each query.
The last two parameters are container hostname and port.
Multiple hosts and ports can be provided,
and the clients will be uniformly distributed to query the containers round-robin.
A more complex example, using docker, hitting a Vespa Cloud endpoint:
$ docker run -v /Users/myself/tmp:/testfiles \ -w /testfiles --entrypoint '' vespaengine/vespa \ /opt/vespa/bin/vespa-fbench \ -C data-plane-public-cert.pem -K data-plane-private-key.pem -T /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt \ -n 10 -q queries.txt -o result.txt -s 300 -c 0 \ 443When using a query file with HTTP POST requests (
option) one also need
to pass the Content-Type header using the -H
header option.
$ docker run -v /Users/myself/tmp:/testfiles \ -w /testfiles --entrypoint '' vespaengine/vespa \ /opt/vespa/bin/vespa-fbench \ -C data-plane-public-cert.pem -K data-plane-private-key.pem -T /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt \ -n 10 -P -H "Content-Type: application/json" -q queries_post.txt -o output.txt -s 300 -c 0 \ 443
After each run, a summary is written to stdout (and possibly an output file from each client) - example:
***************** Benchmark Summary ***************** clients: 30 ran for: 1800 seconds cycle time: 0 ms lower response limit: 0 bytes skipped requests: 0 failed requests: 0 successful requests: 12169514 cycles not held: 12169514 minimum response time: 0.82 ms maximum response time: 3010.53 ms average response time: 4.44 ms 25 percentile: 3.00 ms 50 percentile: 4.00 ms 75 percentile: 6.00 ms 90 percentile: 7.00 ms 95 percentile: 8.00 ms 99 percentile: 11.00 ms actual query rate: 6753.90 Q/s utilization: 99.93 %
Take note of the number of failed requests, as a high number here can indicate that the system is overloaded, or that the queries are invalid.
Strategy: find optimal requestthreads number, then find capacity by increasing number of parallel test clients:
Test with single client (n=1), single thread to find a latency baseline. For each test run, increase threads:
<content id="search" version="1.0">
use 1, 2, 4, 8, ... threads and measure query latency (vespa-fbench output)
and CPU utilization (metric - below).
Note: after deploying the thread config change,
proton must be restarted for new thread setting to take effect
(look for ONLINE):
$ vespa-stop-services && vespa-start-services && sleep 60 && vespa-proton-cmd --local getProtonStatus ... "matchengine","OK","state=ONLINE","" "documentdb:search","OK","state=ONLINE configstate=OK",""
use #threads sweet spot, then increase number of clients, observe latency and CPU.
The container nodes expose the /metrics/v2/values interface - use this to dump metrics during benchmarks. Example - output all metrics from content node:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/metrics/v2/values | \ jq '.nodes[] | select(.role=="content/mysearchcluster/0/0") | .node.metrics[].values'Output CPU util:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/metrics/v2/values | \ jq '.nodes[] | select(.role=="content/mysearchcluster/0/0") | .node.metrics[].values."cpu.util"'