Vespa Cloud This page's content is applicable to Vespa Cloud.

Deleting Applications

Deleting an application

To delete an application, use the console:

  • navigate to the application view at where you can find the trash can icon to the far right, as an ACTION.
  • navigate to the deploy view at

delete production deployment

When the application deployments are deleted, delete the application in the console. Remove the CI job that builds and deploys application packages, if any.

Deleting an instance / region

To remove an instance or a deployment to a region from an application:

  1. Remove the region from prod, or the instance from deployment in deployment.xml:

     <deployment version="1.0">
             <!-- Removing the deployment in the region 'aws-eu-west-1a' -->
  2. Add or modify validation-overrides.xml, allowing Vespa Cloud to remove production instances:

        <allow until="2021-03-01" comment="Remove region/instance ...">deployment-removal</allow>
        <!-- If the region was part of a global endpoint/instance had a global endpoint: -->
        <allow until="2021-03-01" comment="Remove region/instance ...">global-endpoint-change</allow>
  3. Build and deploy the application package.