Vespa CLI is the command-line client for Vespa.
It is a single binary without any runtime dependencies and is available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
With Vespa CLI you can:
See the reference documentation
for documentation of individual Vespa CLI commands and their options. This
documentation is also bundled with CLI and accessible through vespa help
<command> or man vespa-<command>.
Cheat sheet
Install, configure and run
# Install - make sure to upgrade frequently for new features$ brew install vespa-cli
$ brew upgrade vespa-cli
# Set home dir to a writeable directory - useful in some container contexts$ export VESPA_CLI_HOME=/tmp
# Get help$ vespa document put --help
Login and init
# Use endpoints on localhost$ vespa config set target local# Use Vespa Cloud$ vespa config set target cloud
# Use a browser to log into Vespa Cloud$ vespa auth login
# Configure application instance$ vespa config set application vespa-team.vespacloud-docsearch.default
# Configure application instance, override global configuration (write to local .vespa)$ vespa config set--local application vespa-team.vespacloud-docsearch.other
# Deploy an application package from cwd$ vespa deploy
# Get the deployed application package as a .zip-file$ vespa fetch
# Deploy an application package from cwd to a prod zone with CD pipeline in Vespa Cloud using deployment.xml$ vespa prod deploy
# Track deployment to Vespa Cloud status$ vespa status
# Validate endpoint status, get endpoint only$ vespa status --format=plain
# Remove a deployment from Vespa Cloud$ vespa destroy -a vespa-team.vespacloud-docsearch.other
# Put a document from file$ vespa document put file-with-one-doc.json
# Put a document$ vespa document put id:mynamespace:music::a-head-full-of-dreams <(echo'
"fields": {
"album": "A Head Full of Dreams",
"artist": "Coldplay"
')# Put a document, ID in JSON$ vespa document put <(echo'
"put": "id:mynamespace:music::a-head-full-of-dreams",
"fields": {
"album": "A Head Full of Dreams",
"artist": "Coldplay"
')# Update a document$ vespa document update id:mynamespace:music::a-head-full-of-dreams <(echo'
"fields": {
"album": {
"assign": "A Head Full of Thoughts"
')# Get one or more documents$ vespa document get id:mynamespace:music::a-head-full-of-dreams
$ vespa document get id:mynamespace:music::a-head-full-of-dreams id:mynamespace:music::when-we-all-fall-asleep-where-do-we-go
# Delete a document$ vespa document remove id:mynamespace:music::a-head-full-of-dreams
# Feed multiple documents or feed from stdin$ vespa feed *.jsonl
$ cat docs.json | vespa feed -
# Feed to Vespa Cloud$ vespa feed --application mytenant.myapp -target feedfile.json
# Print successful and failed operations:$ vespa feed --verbose docs.json
# Display a periodic summary every 3 seconds while feeding:$ vespa feed --progress=3 docs.json
# Export all documents in "doc" schema, using "default" container cluster$ vespa visit --zone --cluster default --selection doc
# Export slice 0 of 10 - approximately 10% of the documents$ vespa visit --slices 10 --slice-id 0
# List IDs - great for counting total number of documents$ vespa visit --field-set"[id]"# Export fields "title" and "term_count" from "doc" schema$ vespa visit --field-set"doc:title,term_count"# Export documents using a selection string$ vespa visit --selection'doc.last_updated > now() - 86400'# Export all documents in "doc" schema, in "open" namespace$ vespa visit --selection'doc AND id.namespace == "open"'# Export a specific document, including synthetic (generated) fields$ vespa visit --selection'id == "id:en:doc::doc-en-7764"'--field-set'[all]'# Copy documents from one cluster to another:$ vespa visit --target http://localhost:8080 | vespa feed --target http://localhost:9090 -
The input files for vespa feed contains either a JSON array of feed operations,
or one JSON operation per line (JSONL).
The <document-api>
must be enabled in the container before documents can be fed or accessed -
For automation, see example usage in a
GitHub Action.
This action uses security credentials in VESPA_CLI_DATA_PLANE_CERT and VESPA_CLI_DATA_PLANE_KEY
for easy security management in GitHub.
# Query for all documents in all schemas / sources$ vespa query 'yql=select * from sources * where true'# YQL parameter is assumed if missing - this is equivalent to the above$ vespa query 'select * from sources * where true'# Query with an extra query API parameter$ vespa query 'select * from music where album contains "head"'\hits=5
# Use verbose to print a curl equivalent, too$ vespa query -v'select * from music where album contains "head"'hits=5
# Query a different port (after modifying http server port)$ vespa query 'select * from sources * where true'-t''