This is the reference for the search part of the container config. Related: Chained components and the federation tutorial. The root element of the search configuration, declared as a subelement to container:
search binding searcher [id, class, bundle, provides, before, after] federation [id] source [idref] federationoptions [timeout, requestTimeout, optional] source-set [inherits] target-selector chain [id, inherits, excludes] searcher [id, class, bundle, provides, before, after] federation [id] source [idref] federationoptions [timeout, requestTimeout, optional] source-set [inherits] target-selector provider [id, type, cluster, excludes] federationoptions [timeout, requestTimeout, optional] source [id] searcher [id, class, bundle, provides, before, after] renderer [id, class, bundle] significance threadpool threads [ boost ] queue
config applies to all searchers in the JDisc cluster's search chains, unless overridden by individual search chains or searchers.
The URI to map the SearchHandler to.
The default binding is http://*/search/*
Multiple elements are allowed. Example:
Searcher elements are contained in chain elements or in the search root.
A searcher element is either a definition (using id) or a reference (using idref).
A searcher definition causes the creation of exactly one searcher instance. This instance is set up according to the content of the searcher element. A searcher definition contained in a search chain element defines an inner searcher. Otherwise, it defines an outer searcher.
Searcher definition:
Attribute | Required | Value | Default | Description |
id | required | string |
The component id of the searcher instance. For inner searchers, the id must be unique inside the search chain. For outer searchers, the id must be unique. An inner searcher is not permitted to have the same id as an outer searcher. | |
class | optional |
A component specification containing the name of the class to instantiate to create the searcher instance. If missing, copied from id | ||
bundle | optional |
A component specification containing the bundle symbolic name and version used to select the bundle: The name in <artifactId> in pom.xml. The class is loaded from this bundle. If no bundle is specified, it defaults to the bundle containing the searchers bundled with Vespa. | ||
provides | optional |
A space-separated list of names that represents what this searcher produces. For more information on provides, before and after, see chained components | ||
before | optional |
A space-separated list of phase or provided names. Phases or searchers providing these names will be placed later in the search chain than this searcher | ||
after | optional |
A space-separated list of phase or provided names. Phases or searchers providing these names will be placed earlier in the search chain than this searcher |
<searcher id="componentId" class="className:versionSpecification" bundle="the name in <artifactId> in pom.xml" />
Searcher reference:
Attribute | Required | Value | Default | Description |
idref | required | string | Reference to a searcher definition |
<searcher idref="componentId" />
A federation is a searcher - see above. This element implements federation - it defines a searcher instance that sends each query to a set of search chains in parallel and combines the results. Read the federation guide to learn more and find examples for use of federation and its children source, source-set and target-selector, as well as provider.
<federation id="componentId"> <source idref="componentSpecification" /> <target-selector /> </federation>
Specifies a component that should be used to select search chains to federate to. This component must inherit from See component for attributes and subelements.
Used to duplicate the sources of e.g. the built-in federation searcher:
<federation id="combinator"> <source-set inherits="default" /> … </federation>
Reference to a source that should be used by the enclosing federation searcher. Child element federationoptions is optional.
<source idref="componentSpecification"> <federationoptions/> </source>
Contained in source or provider. Specifies how a federation searcher should federate to a given search chain. If a federation options A overrides another federation options B, the result is a new federation options containing:
When federating to a source or provider, the federation searcher per default uses the federation options from the search chain. If a source reference contains federation options, it overrides the options of the search chain when used from the enclosing federation searcher.
Attribute | Required | Value | Default | Description |
timeout | optional | number |
The minimum number of seconds or milliseconds (if ms is present) the federation searcher waits for the federated search chain executing the query | |
requestTimeout | optional | number |
The minimum number of seconds or milliseconds (if ms is present) the search chain executing the query should continue execution. In some cases it is useful to set this higher than the timeout, such that a chain can keep waiting for requested data longer than the query is waiting for the chain. This allows queries to populate caches within the search chain even though populating the caches requires waiting longer than the query timeout | |
optional | optional | true/false | false |
Determines if the federation searcher should wait for this search chain at all. Normally, it only waits for mandatory (i.e. not optional) search chains, and when they are done, cancels the remaining search chains that are not finished. If all the search chains federated to are optional, all of them will be treated as mandatory. All search chains are per default mandatory |
<federationoptions timeout="2.0" requestTimeout="2500ms" optional="true" />
The definition of a search result renderer.
Attribute | Required | Value | Default | Description |
id | required | string | The component ID | |
class | optional | string | The class of the component, defaults to id | |
bundle | optional | string |
The bundle to load the component from: The name in <artifactId> in your pom.xml. If no bundle is given, the bundle containing renderers provided by Vespa is used. |
<renderer id="componentId" class="className:versionSpecification" bundle="the name in <artifactId> in pom.xml" />
Contained in searcher. Specifies one or more global significance models.
<significance> <model model-id="significance-en-wikipedia-v1"/> <model url="https://some/uri/my-model.model.multilingual.json"/> <model path="models/"/> </significance>
The models are either provided by Vespa or generated with vespa-significance tool. The order determines model precedence - with the last element having the highest priority. To use these models, schema needs to enable significance models in the rank-profile.
Contained in significance.
Specifies global significance model.
Models are identified by model-id
or by providing url
or path
to a model file in the application package.
Models with model-id
are provided by Vespa and listed here.
Example with model-id
<model model-id="significance-en-wikipedia-v1"/>
A model specified with url
and path
are JSON files, which can be also compressed with zstandard.
Model files can be generated using vespa-significance tool.
Example with url
<model url="https://some/uri/mymodel.multilingual.json"/>
Models with path
should be placed in the application package.
The path is relative to the application package root.
Example with path
<model path="models/"/>
Specifies how a search chain should be instantiated, and how the contained searchers should be ordered. Refer to the chain reference for attributes and child elements. Chains can inherit searchers from other chains and use phases for ordering. Note that provider and source elements are also chains. Specify a search chain in a query using searchChain.
Example which inherits from the built-in vespa chain so that the searcher can dispatch queries to the content clusters:
<chain id="common" inherits="vespa"> <searcher class="" id="CommonSearcher" bundle="the name in <artifactId> in your pom.xml" > <config name="vespatest.extra-hit"> <exampleString>A searcher for ...</exampleString> </config> </searcher> </chain>
Optional sub-elements:
You can put search config in separate files in a directory under
the application package using include.
Each file must contain one <search>
element like above.
Vespa behaves as if each chain configured within was "inline" in
. This is handy when multiple developers need
to deploy individual search chains, say in different packages.
Each searcher reference must match the type of the searcher definition. So for example the searcher reference federation idref="myId" must match an outer searcher defined as federation id="myId", not searcher id="myId".
A provider is a search chain responsible for talking to an external service. Everything covered in chain is also valid for providers.
Attribute | Required | Value | Default | Description |
id | required | string | ID | |
excludes | optional | |||
type | optional | local |
Determines which searchers are implicitly added to this search chain to talk to the external service. |
Local providers are providers with the type set to local, accessing a local Vespa cluster (i.e. a content cluster in the same application).
Attribute | Required | Value | Default | Description |
cluster | required | string |
The name of the local cluster. |
<provider id="music" cluster="music" type="local" excludes="" />
Defines a source search chain and an associated source.
<provider id="providerA"> <source id="commonSource"> <searcher id="" bundle="the name in <artifactId> in your pom.xml" > <config name="vespatest.hit-title"> <hitTitle>providerA</hitTitle> </config> </searcher> </source> </provider>
The component id specified is the id of the associated source. The associated source consists of all the source search chains with the same source name.
Only a single source search chain can specify the source name using the "id" attribute. This search chain is called the leader. The other source search chains must specify the source name using the "idref" attribute. The latter search chains are called participants.
A source can be used for federation. When federating to a source, the leader search chain is normally used. To use one of the participant search chains, the following query parameter must be set: source.sourceId.provider.providerId.
The id of the source search chain is sourceId@providerId. This search chain automatically inherits from the enclosing provider. It also automatically inherits the federation options of the enclosing provider. If the source contains federation options, they override the inherited ones. In all other respects, this search chain behaves like any other search chain.
Specifies configuration for the thread pool for the jdisc search handler. All parameters are relative to the number of CPU cores -
if a node has 8 vCPU with threads=4
, the thread pool will have 32 threads.
The queue size will be scaled with the effective number of threads.
For queue=25
with 8 vCPU and threads=4
the queue will have capacity for 800 entries.
If the boost
attribute is specified, additional threads up to a total of boost * vCPU
will be created on demand once the request queue is full. These additional threads will be destructed if idling for
5.0 seconds, waiting for new tasks.
Requests are rejected once the maximum number of allowed threads is reached, all threads are busy and the request queue is full.
See Container Tuning for more details.
The number of permanent threads relative to CPU cores. Default value is 10
In addition, there is a minimum effective value of 8.
Attribute | Required | Value | Default | Description |
boost | optional | number |
The maximum number of |
The size of the request queue relative to effective number of threads.
Specify 0
to disable queuing. Default value is 40
In addition, there is a minimum effective value of 650 (unless queue is disabled).