LightGBM is a gradient boosting
framework, similar to XGBoost. Among other
one defining feature of LightGBM over XGBoost is that it directly supports
categorical features. If you have models that are trained with
LightGBM, Vespa can import the models
and use them directly.
Exporting models from LightGBM
Vespa supports importing LightGBM's
This dumps the tree model and other useful data such as feature names,
objective functions, and values of categorical features to a JSON file.
An example of training and saving a model suitable for use in Vespa is as follows.
importjsonimportlightgbmaslgbimportnumpyasnpimportpandasaspd# Create random training set
features=pd.DataFrame({"feature_1":np.random.random(100),"feature_2":np.random.random(100),})targets=((features["feature_1"]+features["feature_2"])>1.0)*1.0training_set=lgb.Dataset(features,targets)# Train the model
params={'objective':'binary','metric':'binary_logloss','num_leaves':3,}model=lgb.train(params,training_set,num_boost_round=5)# Save the model
While this particular model isn't doing anything really useful, the output
file lightgbm_model.json can be imported directly into Vespa.
See also a complete example of how to train a ranking function, using learning to rank
with ranking losses, in this
Importing LightGBM models
To import the LightGBM model into Vespa, add the model file to the
application package under a directory named models, or a
subdirectory under models. For instance, for the above model lightgbm_model.json,
add it to the application package resulting in a directory structure like this:
Note that an application package can have multiple models. After putting the
model in the models directory, it is available for both ranking and
stateless model evaluation.
Ranking with LightGBM models
Vespa has a ranking feature
called lightgbm. This ranking feature specifies the model to use in a ranking
expression, relative under the models directory. Consider the following example:
Here, we specify that the model lightgbm_model.json (directly under the
models directory) is applied to all documents matching a query which uses
rank-profile classify. One important issue to consider is how to map features
in the model to features that are available for Vespa to use in ranking.
Take a look at the JSON file dumped from the example above:
Here, the section feature_names consists of the feature names used in the
training set. When this model is evaluated in Vespa, Vespa expects that these
feature names are valid rank features.
Examples are attribute(field_name) for a value that should be retrieved from
a document, query(name) for a value that should be retrieved from the query,
or possibly from other more complex rank features such as fieldMatch(name).
You can also define functions (which are valid rank features) with the LightGBM
feature name to perform the mapping. An example:
schema test {
document test {
field doc_attrib type double {
indexing: summary | attribute
rank-profile classify inherits default {
function feature_1() {
expression: attribute(doc_attrib)
function feature_2() {
expression: query(query_value)
first-phase {
expression: nativeRank
second-phase {
expression: lightgbm("lightgbm_model.json")
Here, when Vespa evaluates the model, it retrieves the value of feature_1
from a document attribute called doc_attrib, and the value if feature_2
from a query value passed along with the query.
One can also use attribute(doc_attrib) directly as a feature name when
training the LightGBM model. This allows dumping rank features from Vespa
to train a model directly.
Here, we specify that the model lightgbm_model.json is applied to the top ranking documents by the first-phase ranking expression.
The query request must specify classify as the ranking.profile.
See also Phased ranking on how to control number of data points/documents which is exposed to the model.
Generally the run time complexity is determined by:
The number of documents evaluated per thread / number of nodes and the query filter
The complexity of computing features. For example fieldMatch features are 100x more expensive that nativeFieldMatch/nativeRank.
The number of trees and the maximum depth per tree
If you have used XGBoost with Vespa previously, you might have noticed you
have to wrap the xgboost feature in for instance a sigmoid function if
using a binary classifier. That should not be needed in LightGBM, as that
information is passed along in the model dump as seen in the objective section
in the JSON output above.
Currently, Vespa supports importing models trained with the following objectives:
For more information on LightGBM and objective functions, see
Using categorical features
LightGBM has the option of directly training on categorical features. Example:
Here, the categorical feature is marked with the Pandas dtype category. This
tells LightGBM to send the categorical values in the pandas_categorical section
in the JSON example above. This allows Vespa to extract the proper categorical values
to use. This is important, because other methods of using categorical variables
will result in the category values being "1", "2", … "n", and sending in "a" in
this case for model evaluation will probably result in an erroneous result. To ensure
that categorical variables are properly handled, construct training data based
on Pandas tables and use the category dtype on categorical columns.
In Vespa categorical features are strings, so mapping the above feature
for instance to a document field would be:
schema test {
document test {
field numeric_attrib type double {
indexing: summary | attribute
field string_attrib type string {
indexing: summary | attribute
rank-profile classify inherits default {
function numerical() {
expression: attribute(numeric_attrib)
function categorical() {
expression: attribute(string_attrib)
first-phase {
expression: lightgbm("lightgbm_model.json")
Here, the string value of the document would be used as the feature value when evaluating
this model for every document.
Debugging Vespa inference score versus LightGBM predict score
When dumping LightGBM models to a JSON representation some of the model information is lost
(e.g. the base_score or the optimal number of trees if trained with early stopping).
For training, features should be scraped from Vespa, using either match-features or summary-features so
that features from offline training matches the online Vespa computed features. Dumping
features can also help debug any differences by zooming into specific query,document pairs
using recall parameter.
It's also important to use the highest possible precision
when reading Vespa features for training as Vespa outputs features using double precision.
If the training routine rounds features to float or other more compact floating number representations, feature split decisions might differ in Vespa versus XGboost.
In a distributed setting when multiple nodes uses the model, text matching features such as nativeRank, nativFieldMatch, bm25 and fieldMatch
might differ, depending on which node produced the hit. The reason is that all these features use term(n).significance, which is computed locally indexed corpus. The term(n).significance feature
is related to Inverse Document Frequency (IDF). The term(n).significance should be set by a searcher in the container for global correctness as each node will estimate the significance values from the local corpus.