Default JSON Result Format

The default Vespa query response format is used when presentation.format is unset or set to json. Results are rendered with one or more objects:

  • root: mandatory object with the tree of returned data
  • timing: optional object with query timing information
  • trace: optional object for metadata about query execution

Refer to the query API guide for result and tracing examples.

All object names are literal strings, the node root is the map key "root" in the return JSON object, in other words, only strings are used as map keys.

Element Parent Mandatory Type Description


root yes Map of string to object

The root of the tree of returned data.

children root no Array of objects

Array of JSON objects with the same structure as root.

fields root no Map of string to object

totalCount fields no Integer

Number of documents matching the query. Not accurate when using nearestNeighbor, wand or weakAnd query operators.

The value is the number of hits after first-phase dropping.

coverage root no Map of string to string and number

Map of metadata about how much of the total corpus has been scanned to return the given documents.

coverage coverage yes Integer

Percentage of total corpus scanned.

documents coverage yes Long

The number of documents scanned.

full coverage yes Boolean

Whether the full corpus was scanned.

nodes coverage yes Integer

The number of search instances used executing the query.

results coverage yes Integer

The number of results merged creating the final rendered result.

resultsFull coverage yes Integer

The number of full result sets merged.

degraded coverage no Map of string to object

Map of match-phase degradation elements.

match-phase degraded no Boolean

Indicator whether match-phase degradation has occurred.

timeout degraded no Boolean

Indicator whether the query timed out before completion.

adaptive-timeout degraded no Boolean

Indicator whether the query timed out with adaptive timeout before completion.

non-ideal-state degraded no Boolean

Indicator whether the content cluster is in ideal state.

errors root no Array of objects

Array of error messages with the fields given below. Example.

code errors yes Integer

Numeric identifier used by the container application. See error codes and for a short description.

message errors no String

Full error message.

source errors no String

Which data provider logged the error condition.

stackTrace errors no String

Stack trace if an exception was involved.

summary errors yes String

Short description of error.

transient errors no Boolean

Whether the system is expected to recover from the faulty state on its own. If the flag is not present, this may or may not be the case, or the flag is not applicable.

fields root no Map of string to object

The named document (schema) fields. Fields without value are not rendered.

In addition to the fields defined in the schema, the following might be returned:

Fieldname Description

Schema name. Returned in the default document summary.


Document ID. Returned in the default document summary.


Refer to summary-features and observing values used in ranking.


Refer to match-features and example use.

id root no String

String identifying the hit, document or other data type. For document hits, this is the full string document id if the hit is filled with a document summary from disk. If it is not filled or only filled with data from memory (attributes), it is an internally generated unique id on the form index:[source]/[node-index]/[hex-gid].

Also see the /document/v1/ guide and receiving-responses-of-different-formats-for-the-same-query-in-vespa.

label root no String

The label of a grouping list.

limits root no Object

Used in grouping, the limits of a bucket in histogram style data.

from limits no String

Lower bound of a bucket group.

to limits no String

Upper bound of a bucket group.

relevance root yes Double

Double value representing the rank score.

source root no String

Which data provider created this node.

types root no Array of string

Metadata about what kind of document or other kind of node in the result set this object is.

value root no String

Used in grouping for value groups, the argument for the grouping data which is in the fields.


timing no Map of string to object

Query timing information, enabled by presentation.timing. The query performance guide is a useful resource to understand the values in its child elements.

querytime timing no Double

Time to execute the first protocol phase/matching phase, in seconds.

summaryfetchtime timing no Double

Document summary fetch time, in seconds. This is the time to execute the summary fill protocol phase for the globally ordered top-k hits.

searchtime timing no Double

Approximately the sum of querytime and summaryfetchtime and is close to what a client will observe (except network latency). In seconds.


trace no Map of string to object

Metadata about query execution.

children trace no Array of object

Array of maps with exactly the same structure as trace itself.

timestamp children no Long

Number of milliseconds since the start of query execution this node was added to the trace.

message children no String

Descriptive trace text regarding this step of query execution.

message children no Array of objects

Array of messages

start_time message no String

Timestamp, e.g. 2022-07-27 09:51:21.938 UTC

traces message or threads no Array of traces or objects

distribution-key message no Integer

The distribution key of the content node creating this span.

duration_ms message no float

duration of span

timestamp_ms traces no float

time since start of parent, see start_time.

event traces no String

Description of span

tag traces no String

Name of span

threads traces no Array of objects

Array of object that again has traces elements.

JSON Schema

Formal schema for the query API default result format:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Result",
    "description": "Schema for Vespa results",
    "type": "object",

    "properties": {
        "root": {
            "type": "document_node",
            "required": true
        "trace": {
            "type": "trace_node",
            "required": false

    "definitions": {
        "document_node": {
            "properties": {
                "children": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "document_node"
                    "required": false
                "coverage": {
                    "type": "coverage",
                    "required": false
                "errors": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "error"
                    "required": false
                "fields": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "additionalProperties": true,
                    "required": false
                "id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
                "relevance": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
                "types": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "string"
                    "required": false
                "source": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
                "value": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
                "limits": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "required": false
                "label": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
            "additionalProperties": true,
        "trace_node": {
            "properties": {
                "children": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "trace_node"
                    "required": false
                "timestamp": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": false
                "message": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
        "fields": {
            "properties": {
                "totalCount": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
        "coverage": {
            "properties": {
                "coverage": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
                "documents": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
                "full": {
                    "type": "boolean",
                    "required": true
                "nodes": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
                "results": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
                "resultsFull": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
        "error": {
            "properties": {
                "code": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
                "message": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
                "source": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
                "stackTrace": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false
                "summary": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true
                "transient": {
                    "type": "boolean",
                    "required": false

Appendix: Legacy Vespa 7 JSON rendering

There were some inconsistencies between search results and document rendering in Vespa 7, which are fixed in Vespa 8. This appendix describes the old behavior, what the changes are, and how to configure to select a specific rendering.

Inconsistent weightedset rendering

Fields with various weightedset types has a JSON input representation (for feeding) as a JSON object; for example {"one":1, "two":2,"three":3} for the value of a a weightedset<string> field. The same format is used when rendering a document (for example when visiting).

In search results however, there are intermediate processing steps during which the field value is represented as an array of item/weight pairs, so in a search result the field value would render as [ {"item":"one", "weight":1}, {"item":"two", "weight":2}, {"item":"three", "weight":3} ]

In Vespa 8, the default JSON renderer for search results outputs the same format as document rendering. If you have code that depends on the old format you can turn off this by setting renderer.json.jsonWsets=false in the query (usually via a query profile).

Inconsistent map rendering

Fields with various map types has a JSON input representation (for feeding) as a JSON object; for example {"1001":1.0, "1002":2.0, "1003":3.0} for the value of a a map<int,float> field. The same format is used when rendering a document (for example when visiting).

In search results however, there are intermediate processing steps and the field value is represented as an array of key/value pairs, so in a search results the field value would (in some cases) render as [ {"key":1001, "value":1.0}, {"key":1002, "value":2.0}, {"key":1003, "value":3.0} ]

In Vespa 8, the default JSON renderer for search results output the same format as document rendering. For code that depends on the old format one can turn off this by setting renderer.json.jsonMaps=false in the query (usually via a query profile).

Geo position rendering

Fields with the type position would in Vespa 7 be rendered using the internal fields "x" and "y". These are integers representing microdegrees, aka geographical degrees times 1 million, of longitude (for x) and latitude (for y). Also, any field foo of type position would trigger addition of two extra synthetic summary fields foo.position and foo.distance (see below for details).

In Vespa 8, positions are rendered with two JSON fields "lat" and "lng", both having a floating-point value. The "lat" field is latitude (going from -90.0 at the South Pole to +90.0 at the North Pole). The "lng" field is longitude (going from -180.0 at the dateline seen as extreme west, via 0.0 at the Greenwich meridian, to +180.0 at the dateline again, now as extreme east). The field names are chosen so the format is the same as used in the Google "places" API.

It's possible to switch back to the legacy (Vespa 7) rendering for geo positions. Set the flag to true by adding the following below the root services element in services.xml:


Note that this flag affects rendering both in documents fetched/visited, and in search results; but both the new and old formats are accepted as feed input.

A closely related change is the removal of two synthetic summary fields which would be returned in search results. For example with this in schema:

field mainloc type position {
    indexing: attribute | summary

Vespa 7 would include the mainloc summary field, but also mainloc.position and mainloc.distance; the latter only when the query actually had a position to take the distance from.

The first of these (mainloc.position in this case) was mainly useful for producing XML output in older Vespa versions, and now contains just the same information as the mainloc summary field. The second (mainloc.distance in this case) would return a distance in internal units, and can be replaced by a summary feature - here distance(mainloc) would give the same number, while distance(mainloc).km would be the recommended replacement with suitable code changes.

Summary-features wrapped in "rankingExpression"

In Vespa 7, if a rank profile wanted a function foobar returned in summary-features (or match-features), it would be rendered as rankingExpression(foobar) in the output.

For programmatic use, the FeatureData class has extra checking to allow lookup with getDouble("foobar") or getTensor("foobar"), but now it's present and rendered with just the original name as specified.

If applications needs the JSON rendering to look exactly as in Vespa 7, one can specify that in the rank profile. For example, with this in the schema:

rank-profile whatever {
    function lengthScore() { expression: matchCount(title)/fieldLength(title) }
    summary-features {

could, in Vespa 7, yield JSON output containing:

    summaryfeatures: {
        matchCount(title): 1,
        rankingExpression(lengthScore): 0.25,

in Vespa 8, you instead get the expected:

    summaryfeatures: {
        matchCount(title): 1,
        lengthScore: 0.25,

But to get the old behavior one can specify:

rank-profile whatever {
    function lengthScore() { expression: matchCount(title)/fieldLength(title) }
    summary-features {

which gives you the same output as before.