Parent/child relationships are not supported in
streaming search.
An alternative to parent documents is using arrays or maps of struct fields - this guide covers both.
Common use cases are applications with structured data like commerce (e.g. products with multiple sellers),
advertising (advertisers with campaigns with ads, that have budgets that need realtime updates).
High-level overview of documents, imported fields and array fields:
Parent documents
Model parent-child relationships by using
to global documents.
This is like foreign keys in a relational database.
Parents can have parents.
A document can have references to multiple parents - the parents can be of same or different types.
Using a reference, attribute fields can be
from parent types into the child's schema
and used for matching, ranking, grouping and sorting.
A reference is a special attribute with the parent's
document ID as value.
References are hence weak:
no cascade delete
a referenced document can be non-existent - imported fields do not have values in this case
When using parent-child relationships,
data does not have to be denormalized as fields from parents are imported into children.
Use this to update parent fields to limit number of updates if a field's value is shared between many documents.
This also limits the resources (memory / disk) required to store and handle documents on content nodes.
At cluster changes, global documents are merged to new nodes before regular documents.
For consistency, a content node is not serving queries before all
global documents are synchronized - refer to content cluster elasticity.
Cyclic or self references are not allowed.
Performance notes:
As parent documents are global,
a write executes on all content nodes -
see examples
Node capacity will limit the number of parent documents -
there should normally be an order of magnitude fewer parent documents than child documents
Memory usage grows accordingly. A global document is otherwise equal to a regular document,
but each content node must be sized to hold all global documents plus its share of regular documents
Reference fields add a memory indirection and does not impact query performance much
Partial updates to a reference field requires a read-modify-write to the
document store and limits throughput.
Multivalue fields
A document can have fields that are arrays or maps of struct.
Structs and documents are similar - a set of field name/value pairs.
One-to-many mappings can therefore be implemented this way, as an alternative to using parent/child,
when each document has a set of properties that belongs to that document.
As a rule of thumb, model the items searched for as the document - example products for sale.
Shared properties, like vendor, can be model using a parent document, importing a vendor name field -
assuming a vendor has many products, and the vendor list is limited.
Use arrays or maps of structs for properties documents might have, like shoe size or screen resolution -
one can then have a struct field for property name and another for property value,
giving a flexible structure for products with an unlimited set of possible properties.
schema campaign {
document campaign {
field advertiser_ref type reference<advertiser> {
indexing: attribute
field budget type int {
indexing : attribute
import field as advertiser_name {}
schema ad {
document ad {
field campaign_ref type reference<campaign> {
indexing: attribute
field other_campaign_ref type reference<campaign> {
indexing: attribute
field salesperson_ref type reference<salesperson> {
indexing: attribute
import field campaign_ref.budget as budget {}
import field as salesperson_name {}
import field campaign_ref.advertiser_name as advertiser_name {}
document-summary my_summary {
summary budget {}
summary salesperson_name {}
summary advertiser_name {}
Document type ad has two references to campaign
(via campaign_ref and other_campaign_ref)
and one reference to salesperson (via salesperson_ref).
The budget field from campaign is imported into the ad schema
(via campaign_ref) and given the name budget.
Similarly, the name of salesperson is imported as salesperson_name.
Document type campaign has a reference to advertiser
and imports the field name as advertiser_name.
This is also imported into ad via campaign_ref from its grandparent advertiser.
To use the imported fields in summary, define a document summary my_summary containing these fields.