Vespa Cloud This page's content is applicable to Vespa Cloud.

Automated Deployments

Picture of an automated deployment

Vespa Cloud provides:

This guide goes through details of an orchestrated deployment. Read / try production deployment first to have a baseline understanding. The developer guide is useful for writing tests. Use example GitHub Actions for automation.

CD tests

Before deployment in production zones, system tests and staging tests are run. Tests are run in a dedicated and downsized environment. These tests are optional, see details in the sections below. Status and logs of ongoing tests can be found in the Deployment view in the Vespa Cloud Console:

Minimal deployment pipeline

These tests are also run during Vespa Cloud upgrades.

Find deployable example applications in CI-CD.

System tests

When a system test is run, the application is deployed in the test environment. The system test suite is then run against the endpoints of the test deployment. The test deployment is empty when the test execution begins. The application package and Vespa platform version is the same as that to be deployed to production.

A test suite includes at least one system test. An application can be deployed to a production zone without system tests - this step will then only test that the application starts successfully. See production deployment for an example without tests.

Read more about system tests.

Staging tests

A staging test verifies the transition of a deployment of a new application package - i.e., from application package Appold to Appnew. A test suite includes at least one staging setup, and staging test.

  1. All production zone deployments are polled for the current versions. As there can be multiple versions already being deployed (i.e. multiple Appold), there can be a series of staging test runs.
  2. The application at revision Appold is deployed in the staging environment.
  3. The staging setup test code is run, typically making the cluster reasonably similar to a production cluster.
  4. The test deployment is then upgraded to application revision Appnew.
  5. Finally, the staging test code is run, to verify the deployment works as expected after the upgrade.

An application can be deployed to a production zone without staging tests - this step will then only test that the application starts successfully before and after the change. See production deployment for an example without tests.

Read more about staging tests.

Disabling tests

To deploy without testing, remove the test files from the application package. Tests are always run, regardless of deployment.xml.

To temporarily deploy without testing, do a deploy and hit the "Abort" button (see illustration above, hover over the test step in the Console) - this skips the test step and makes the orchestration progress to the next step.

Deployment orchestration

The deployment orchestration is flexible. One can configure dependencies between deployments to production zones, production verification tests, and configured delays; by ordering these in parallel and serial blocks of steps:

Picture of a complex automated deployment

On a higher level, instances can also depend on each other in the same way. This makes it easy to configure a deployment process which gradually rolls out changes to increasingly larger subsets of production nodes, as confidence grows with successful production verification tests. Refer to deployment.xml for details.

Deployments run sequentially by default, but can be configured to run in parallel. Inside each zone, Vespa Cloud orchestrates the deployment, such that the change is applied without disruption to read or write traffic against the application. A production deployment in a zone is complete when the new configuration is active on all nodes.

Most changes are instant, making this a quick process. If node restarts are needed, e.g., during platform upgrades, these will happen automatically and safely as part of the deployment. When this is necessary, deployments will take longer to complete.

System and staging tests, if present, must always be successfully run before the application package is deployed to production zones.

Source code repository integration

Each new submission is assigned an increasing build number, which can be used to track the roll-out of the new package to the instances and their zones. With the submission, add a source code repository reference for easy integration - this makes it easy to track changes:

Build numbers and source code repository reference

Add the source diff link to the pull request - see example GitHub Action:

$ vespa prod deploy \
  --source-url "$(git config --get remote.origin.url | sed 's+git@\(.*\):\(.*\)\.git+https://\1/\2+')/commit/$(git rev-parse HEAD)"


Use block-windows to block deployments during certain windows throughout the week, e.g., avoid rolling out changes during peak hours / during vacations. Hover over the instance (here "default") to find block status - see block-change:

Application block window

Validation overrides

Some configuration changes are potentially destructive / change the application behavior - examples are removing fields and changing linguistic processing. These changes are disallowed by default, the deploy-command will fail. To override and force a deploy, use a validation override:

    <allow until="2023-04-31"
           comment="Use fewer dimensions">tensor-type-change</allow>

Production tests

Production tests are optional and configured in deployment.xml. Production tests do not have access to the Vespa endpoints, for security reasons. Dependent steps in the release pipeline will stop if the tests fail, but upgraded regions will remain on the version where the test failed. A production test is hence used to block deployments to subsequent zones and only makes sense in a multi-zone deployment.

Deploying Components

Vespa is backwards compatible within major versions, and major versions rarely change. This means that Components compiled against an older version of Vespa APIs can always be run on the same major version. However, if the application package is compiled against a newer API version, and then deployed to an older runtime version in production, it might fail. See vespa:compileVersion for how to solve this.

Automating with GitHub Actions

Auto-deploy production applications using GitHub Actions - examples:

The automation scripts use an API-KEY to deploy:

$ vespa auth api-key

This creates a key, or outputs:

Error: refusing to overwrite /Users/me/.vespa/mytenant.api-key.pem
Hint: Use -f to overwrite it

This is your public key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Its fingerprint is:

To use this key in Vespa Cloud click 'Add custom key' at
and paste the entire public key including the BEGIN and END lines.

This means, if there is a key, it is not overwritten, it is safe to run. Make sure to add the deploy-key to the tenant using the Vespa Cloud Console.

After the deploy-key is added, everything is ready for deployment.

You can upload or create new Application keys in the console, and store them as a secret in the repository like the GitHub actions example above.

Some services like Travis CI do not accept multi-line values for Environment Variables in Settings. A workaround is to use the output of

$ openssl base64 -A -a < mykey.pem && echo

in a variable, say VESPA_MYAPP_API_KEY, in Travis Settings. VESPA_MYAPP_API_KEY is exported in the Travis environment, example output:

Setting environment variables from repository settings
$ export VESPA_MYAPP_API_KEY=[secure]

Then, before deploying to Vespa Cloud, regenerate the key value:

$ MY_API_KEY=`echo $VESPA_MYAPP_API_KEY | openssl base64 -A -a -d`

and use ${MY_API_KEY} in the deploy command.

Vespa Cloud upgrades

Vespa upgrades follows the same pattern as for new application revisions in CD tests, and can be tracked via its version number in the Vespa Cloud Console.

System tests are run the same way as for deploying a new application package.

A staging test verifies the upgrade from application package Appold to Appnew, and from Vespa platform version Vold to Vnew. The staging test then consists of the following steps:

  1. All production zone deployments are polled for the current Vold / Appold versions. As there can be multiple versions already being deployed (i.e. multiple Vold / Appold), there can be a series of staging test runs.
  2. The application at revision Appold is deployed on platform version Vold, to a zone in the staging environment.
  3. The staging setup test code is run, typically making the cluster reasonably similar to a production cluster.
  4. The test deployment is then upgraded to application revision Appnew and platform version Vnew.
  5. Finally, the staging test test code is run, to verify the deployment works as expected after the upgrade.

Note that one or both of the application revision and platform may be upgraded during the staging test, depending on what upgrade scenario the test is run to verify. These changes are usually kept separate, but in some cases is necessary to allow them to roll out together.

Next steps

  • Read more about feature switches and bucket tests.
  • A challenge with continuous deployment can be integration testing across multiple services: Another service depends on this Vespa application for its own integration testing. Use a separate application instance for such integration testing.
  • Set up a deployment badge - available from the console's deployment view - example: vespa-team.vespacloud-docsearch.default overview
  • Set up a global query endpoint.