Vespa Cloud This page's content is applicable to Vespa Cloud.

Archive guide

Vespa Cloud exports log data, heap dumps, and Java Flight Recorder sessions to storage buckets. The bucket system used will depend on which cloud provider is backing the zone your application is running in. AWS S3 will be used in the AWS zones, and Cloud Storage will be used in the GCP zones.

How to access and use the storage buckets is found in the documentation for the respective cloud providers:


These examples use GCP as source, replace with AWS commands as needed. Here, resonant-triode-123456 is the Google project ID that owns the target bucket my_access_logs for data copy (and will get the data download cost, if any).

Use the CLUSTERS view in the Vespa Cloud Console to find hostname(s) for the nodes to export logs from - then list contents:

$ gsutil -u resonant-triode-123456 ls \

$ gsutil -u resonant-triode-123456 ls \

$ gsutil -u resonant-triode-123456 ls \

Copy files for a host to the my_access_logs bucket:

$ gsutil -u resonant-triode-123456 \
  -m -o "GSUtil:parallel_process_count=1" \
  cp -r \
  gs://vespa-cloud-data-prod-gcp-us-central1-f-73770f/vespa-team/vespacloud-docsearch/default/h404a \

rsync can be used to reduce number of files copied, using -x to exclude paths:

$ gsutil -u resonant-triode-123456 \
  -m -o "GSUtil:parallel_process_count=1" \
  rsync -r \
  -x '.*/connection/.*|.*/vespa/.*|.*/zookeeper/.*' \
  gs://vespa-cloud-data-prod-gcp-us-central1-f-73770f/vespa-team/vespacloud-docsearch/default/h404a \

Refer to cloud-functions and lambda for how to write and deploy simple functions to process files in Google Cloud and AWS.

For local processing, copy files for a host to local file system (or use rsync):

$ gsutil -u resonant-triode-123456 \
  -m -o "GSUtil:parallel_process_count=1" \
  cp -r \
  gs://vespa-cloud-data-prod-gcp-us-central1-f-73770f/vespa-team/vespacloud-docsearch/default/h404a \

Use zstd to decompress files:

$ zstd -d *

Example: Filter out healthchecks using jq:

$ cat JsonAccessLog.20230117* | jq '.  |
  select (.uri != "/status.html")      |
  select (.uri != "/state/v1/metrics") |
  select (.uri != "/state/v1/health")'

Add a human-readable date field per access log entry:

$ cat JsonAccessLog.20230117* | jq '.  |
  select (.uri != "/status.html")      |
  select (.uri != "/state/v1/metrics") |
  select (.uri != "/state/v1/health")  |
  . +{iso8601date:(.time|todateiso8601)}'