vespa visit

vespa visit

Retrieve and print all documents from Vespa


Retrieve and print all documents from Vespa.

By default, prints each document received on its own line (JSONL format).

vespa visit [flags]


$ vespa visit # get documents from any cluster
$ vespa visit --content-cluster search # get documents from cluster named "search"
$ vespa visit --field-set "[id]" # list document IDs


      --bucket-space strings     The "default" or "global" bucket space (default [global,default])
      --chunk-count int          Chunk by count (default 1000)
      --content-cluster string   Which content cluster to visit documents from (default "*")
      --field-set string         Which fieldset to ask for
      --from string              Timestamp to visit from, in seconds
      --header strings           Add a header to the HTTP request, on the format 'Header: Value'. This can be specified multiple times
  -h, --help                     help for visit
      --json-lines               Output documents as JSON lines (default true)
      --make-feed                Output JSON array suitable for vespa-feeder
      --pretty-json              Format pretty JSON
      --selection string         Select subset of cluster
      --slice-id int             The number of the slice this visit invocation should fetch (default -1)
      --slices int               Split the document corpus into this number of independent slices (default -1)
      --to string                Timestamp to visit up to, in seconds
  -v, --verbose                  Print the equivalent curl command for the visit operation
  -w, --wait int                 Number of seconds to wait for service(s) to become ready. 0 to disable (default 0)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --application string   The application to use (cloud only). Format "tenant.application.instance" - instance is optional
  -C, --cluster string       The container cluster to use. This is only required for applications with multiple clusters
  -c, --color string         Whether to use colors in output. Must be "auto", "never", or "always" (default "auto")
  -i, --instance string      The instance of the application to use (cloud only)
  -q, --quiet                Print only errors
  -t, --target string        The target platform to use. Must be "local", "cloud", "hosted" or an URL (default "local")
  -z, --zone string          The zone to use. This defaults to a dev zone (cloud only)


  • vespa - The command-line tool for