Retrieve and print all documents from Vespa
Retrieve and print all documents from Vespa.
By default, prints each document received on its own line (JSONL format).
vespa visit [flags]
$ vespa visit # get documents from any cluster
$ vespa visit --content-cluster search # get documents from cluster named "search"
$ vespa visit --field-set "[id]" # list document IDs
--bucket-space strings The "default" or "global" bucket space (default [global,default])
--chunk-count int Chunk by count (default 1000)
--content-cluster string Which content cluster to visit documents from (default "*")
--field-set string Which fieldset to ask for
--from string Timestamp to visit from, in seconds
--header strings Add a header to the HTTP request, on the format 'Header: Value'. This can be specified multiple times
-h, --help help for visit
--json-lines Output documents as JSON lines (default true)
--make-feed Output JSON array suitable for vespa-feeder
--pretty-json Format pretty JSON
--selection string Select subset of cluster
--slice-id int The number of the slice this visit invocation should fetch (default -1)
--slices int Split the document corpus into this number of independent slices (default -1)
--to string Timestamp to visit up to, in seconds
-v, --verbose Print the equivalent curl command for the visit operation
-w, --wait int Number of seconds to wait for service(s) to become ready. 0 to disable (default 0)
-a, --application string The application to use (cloud only). Format "tenant.application.instance" - instance is optional
-C, --cluster string The container cluster to use. This is only required for applications with multiple clusters
-c, --color string Whether to use colors in output. Must be "auto", "never", or "always" (default "auto")
-i, --instance string The instance of the application to use (cloud only)
-q, --quiet Print only errors
-t, --target string The target platform to use. Must be "local", "cloud", "hosted" or an URL (default "local")
-z, --zone string The zone to use. This defaults to a dev zone (cloud only)