Ranking with TensorFlow Models

Vespa can import TensorFlow models converted to the ONNX format. The tutorial TensorFlow: Deploy model to Vespa through ONNX shows an end-to-end example from training a Learning-to-Rank (LTR) model to deploying it to Vespa. The tutorial can be reproduced by running the Jupyter Notebook.

Key steps covered in the tutorial above:

  • Define and train a tf_model.
  • Save the model to disk: tf_model.save("tf_model_file")
  • Convert the model to ONNX with the tf2onnx library:
$ python3 -m tf2onnx.convert --saved-model tf_model_file --output tf_model.onnx
  • Inspect expected input/output format with the onnx library:
import onnx
m = onnx.load("simpler_keras_model.onnx")
m.graph.input # check input format
m.graph.output # check output format
  • Include the model on Vespa .sd file
    schema msmarco {
        document msmarco {
            field id type string {
                indexing: summary | attribute
            field text type string {
                indexing: summary | index
        onnx-model ltr_tensorflow {
            file: files/tf_model.onnx
            input input: vespa_input
            output dense: dense
        rank-profile tensorflow {
            function vespa_input() {
                expression {
            first-phase {
                expression: sum(onnx(ltr_tensorflow).dense)
            summary-features {