This is a guide on how to replicate a Vespa application in different environments, with or without data. Use cases for cloning include:
environment to easily cooperate and
environment to experiment with a CI/CD pipeline,
without touching the current production
environment for load testing.This guide uses applications. One can also use instances, but that will not work across Vespa major versions on Vespa Cloud - refer to tenant, applications, instances for details.
Vespa Cloud has different environments dev/perf
and prod
, with different characteristics -
Clone to dev/perf
for short-lived experiments/development,
use prod
for serving applications with a CI/CD pipeline.
As some steps are similar, it is a good idea to read through all, as details are added only the first time for brevity. Examples are based on the album-recommendation sample application.
environments are auto-expired (details),
so application cloning is a safe way to work with Vespa.
Find more information in deleting applications.
Source setup:
$ docker run --detach --name vespa1 --hostname vespa-container1 \
--publish 8080:8080 --publish 19071:19071 \
$ vespa deploy -t http://localhost:19071
Target setup:
Create a tenant in the Vespa Cloud console, in this guide using "mytenant".
Export source application package:
This gets the application package and copies it out of the container to local file system:
$ vespa fetch -t http://localhost:19071 && \
unzip -x
Deploy target application package
The procedure differs a little whether deploying to dev/perf or prod environment.
The mvn -U clean package
step is only needed for applications with custom code.
Configure application name and create data plane credentials:
$ vespa config set target cloud && \ vespa config set application mytenant.myapp $ vespa auth login $ vespa auth cert -f $ mvn -U clean package
vespa auth cert -f
If reusing a cert/key pair, drop -f
and make sure to put the pair in .vespa, to avoid errors like
Error: open /Users/me/.vespa/mytenant.myapp.default/data-plane-public-cert.pem: no such file or directory
in the subsequent deploy step.
Then deploy the application.
Depending on the use case, deploy to dev
or prod
$ vespa deployExpect something like:
Uploading application package ... done Success: Triggered deployment of . with run ID 1 Use vespa status for deployment status, or follow this deployment at
environment requires deployment.xml -
select which zone to deploy to:
$ cat <<EOF > deployment.xml <deployment version="1.0"> <prod> <region>aws-us-east-1c</region> </prod> </deployment> EOF
deployments also require resources
in services.xml
- use
vespa-documentation-search as an example and add/replace nodes
for container
and content
If in doubt, just add a small config to start with, and change later:
<nodes count="2"> <resources vcpu="2" memory="8Gb" disk="10Gb" /> </nodes>Deploy the application package:
$ vespa prod deployExpect something like:
Hint: See production deployment Success: Deployed . See for deployment progressA proper deployment to a
zone should have automated tests,
read more in automated deployments
Data copy
Export documents from the local instance and feed to the Vespa Cloud instance:
$ vespa visit -t http://localhost:8080 | vespa feed -
Add more parameters as needed to vespa feed
for other endpoints.
Get access log from source:
$ docker exec vespa1 cat /opt/vespa/logs/vespa/access/JsonAccessLog.default
Download application from Vespa Cloud
Validate the endpoint, and fetch the application package:
$ vespa config get application
application = mytenant.myapp.default
$ vespa fetch
Downloading application package... done
Success: Application package written to
The application package can also be downloaded from the Vespa Cloud Console:
dev/perf: Navigate to, click Application to download:
prod: Navigate to and select the version of the application to download:
Target setup:
Note the name of the application package .zip-file just downloaded.
If changes are needed, unzip it and use vespa deploy -t http://localhost:19071
to deploy from current directory:
$ docker run --detach --name vespa1 --hostname vespa-container1 \
--publish 8080:8080 --publish 19071:19071 \
$ vespa config set target local
$ vespa deploy -t http://localhost:19071
Data copy
Set config target cloud for vespa visit
and pipe the jsonl output into vespa feed
to the local instance:
$ vespa config set target cloud
$ vespa visit | vespa feed - -t http://localhost:8080
data copy - minimal
For use cases requiring a few documents, visit just a few documents:
$ vespa visit --chunk-count 10
Get access log from source:
Use the Vespa Cloud Console to get access logs
This is a combination of the procedures above.
Download the application package from dev/perf or prod,
make note of the source name, like mytenant.myapp.default.
Then use vespa deploy
or vespa prod deploy
as above to deploy to dev/perf or prod.
If cloning from dev/perf
to prod
, pay attention to changes in deployment.xml and services.xml
as in cloning to Vespa Cloud.
Data copy
Set the feed endpoint name / paths, e.g. mytenant.myapp-new.default:
$ vespa config set target cloud
$ vespa visit | vespa feed - -t
Data copy 5%
Set the –selection argument to vespa visit
to select a subset of the documents.
Creating a copy from one self-hosted application to another. Self-hosted means running Vespa on a laptop or a multinode system.
This example sets up a source app and deploys the application package - use album-recommendation as an example. The application package is then exported from the source and deployed to a new target app. Steps:
Source setup:
$ vespa config set target local
$ docker run --detach --name vespa1 --hostname vespa-container1 \
--publish 8080:8080 --publish 19071:19071 \
$ vespa deploy -t http://localhost:19071
Target setup:
$ docker run --detach --name vespa2 --hostname vespa-container2 \
--publish 8081:8080 --publish 19072:19071 \
Export source application package
Export files:
$ vespa fetch -t http://localhost:19071
Deploy application package to target
Before deploying, one can make changes to the application package files as needed. Deploy to target:
$ vespa deploy -t http://localhost:19072
Data copy from source to target
This pipes the source data directly into vespa feed
another option is to save the data to files temporarily and feed these individually:
$ vespa visit -t http://localhost:8080 | vespa feed - -t http://localhost:8081
Data copy 5%
This is an example on how to use a selection to specify a subset of the documents - here a "random" 5% selection:
$ vespa visit -t http://localhost:8080 --selection 'id.hash().abs() % 20 = 0' | \
vespa feed - -t http://localhost:8081
Get access log from source
Get the current query access log from the source application (there might be more files there):
$ docker exec vespa1 cat /opt/vespa/logs/vespa/access/JsonAccessLog.default