News search and recommendation tutorial - applications, feeding and querying

This is the second part of the tutorial series for setting up a Vespa application for personalized news recommendations. The parts are:

  1. Getting started
  2. A basic news search application - application packages, feeding, query
  3. News search - sorting, grouping, and ranking
  4. Generating embeddings for users and news articles
  5. News recommendation - partial updates (news embeddings), ANNs, filtering
  6. News recommendation with searchers - custom searchers, doc processors
  7. News recommendation with parent-child - parent-child, tensor ranking
  8. Advanced news recommendation - intermission - training a ranking model
  9. Advanced news recommendation - ML models

In this part, we will build upon the minimal Vespa application in the previous part. First, we'll take a look at the Microsoft News Dataset (MIND), which we'll be using throughout the tutorial. We'll use this to set up the search schema, deploy the application and feed some data. We'll round off with some basic querying before moving on to the next part of the tutorial: searching for content.

For reference, the final state of this tutorial can be found in the app-2-feed-and-query subdirectory of the news sample application.

The Microsoft News Dataset

During these tutorials, we will use the Microsoft News Dataset (MIND). This is a large-scale dataset for news recommendation research. It contains over 160.000 articles, 15 million impressions logs, and 1 million users. We will not use the full dataset in this tutorial. To make the tutorial easier to follow along, we will use the much smaller DEMO part containing only 5000 users. However, readers are free to use the entire dataset at their own discretion.

The MIND dataset description contains an introduction to the contents of this dataset. For this tutorial, there are particularly two pieces of data that we will use:

  • News article content which contains data such as title, abstract, news category, and entities extracted from the title and abstract.
  • Impressions which contain a list of news articles that were shown to a user, labeled with whether the user clicked on them or not.

We'll start with developing a search application, so we'll focus on the news content at first. We'll use the impression data as we begin building the recommendation system later in this series.

Let's start by downloading the data. The news sample app directory will be our starting point. We've included a script to download the data for us:

$ ./bin/ demo

The argument defines which dataset to download. Here, we download the demo dataset, but small and large are valid options. Both the training and validation parts are downloaded to a directory called mind. The demo dataset is around 27 Mb. Both train and dev datasets will be downloaded.

Taking a look at the data, in mind/train/news.tsv, we see tab-separated lines like the following:

N16680  travel  traveltripideas The Most Beautiful Natural Wonder in Every State        While humans have built some impressive, gravity-defying, and awe-inspiring marvels   here are the most photographed structures in the world   the natural world may have us beat.    []      []

Here we see the news article id, a category, a subcategory, the title, an abstract, and a URL to the article's content. The last two fields contain the identified entities in the title and abstract. This particular news item has no such entities.

Note that the body content of the news article is retrievable by the URL. The dataset repository contains tools to download this. For the purposes of this tutorial, we won't be using this data, but feel free to download yourself.

Let's start building a Vespa application to make this data searchable. We'll create the directory my-app under the news sample app directory to contain your Vespa application:

$ mkdir -p my-app/schemas

Application Packages

Vespa Overview

A Vespa application package is the set of configuration files and Java plugins that together define the behavior of a Vespa system: what functionality to use, the available document types, how ranking will be done and how data will be processed during feeding and indexing. The schema, e.g.,, is a required part of an application package — the other file needed is services.xml.

For self-hosted multi-node deployments, a hosts.xml file is also needed. For multi-node self-hosted deployments using hosts.xml, see the multinode high availability sample application.

We mentioned these files in the previous part but didn't really explain them at the time. We'll go through them here, starting with the specification of services.

Services Specification

The services.xml file defines the services that make up the Vespa application — which services to run and how many nodes per service. Write the following to news/my-app/services.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services version="1.0">

    <container id="default" version="1.0">
        <search />
        <document-api />
            <node hostalias="node1" />

    <content id="mind" version="1.0">
            <document type="news" mode="index" />
            <node hostalias="node1" distribution-key="0" />

Write to file: news/my-app/services.xml

Quite a lot is set up here:

  • <container> defines the stateless container cluster for document, query and result processing
  • <search> sets up the query endpoint. The default port is 8080. See also Securing Vespa with mutually authenticated TLS (mTLS) for how to use mTLS with Vespa.
  • <document-api> sets up the document endpoint for feeding and visiting.
  • <nodes> defines the nodes required per service. (See the reference for more on container cluster setup).
  • <content> The stateful content cluster
  • <redundancy> denotes how many copies to store of each document.
  • <documents> assigns the document types in the schema — the content cluster capacity can be increased by adding node elements — see elastic Vespa. (See also the reference for more on content cluster setup.)


In terms of data, Vespa operates with the notion of documents. A document represents a single, searchable item in your system, e.g., a news article, a photo, or a user. Each document type must be defined in the Vespa configuration through a schema. Think of the document type in a schema as similar to a table definition in a relational database - it consists of a set of fields, each with a given name, a specific type, and some optional properties. The data fed into Vespa must match the structure of the schema, and the results returned when searching will be in this format as well. There is no dynamic field creation support in Vespa, one can say Vespa document schemas are strongly typed.

The news document type mentioned in the services.xml file above is defined in a schema. Schemas are found under the schemas directory in the application package, and must have the same name as the document type mentioned in services.xml.

Given the MIND dataset described above, we'll set up the schema as follows. Write the following to news/my-app/schemas/

schema news {
    document news {
        field news_id type string {
            indexing: summary | attribute
            attribute: fast-search
        field category type string {
            indexing: summary | attribute
        field subcategory type string {
            indexing: summary | attribute
        field title type string {
            indexing: index | summary
            index: enable-bm25
        field abstract type string {
            indexing: index | summary
            index: enable-bm25
        field body type string {
            indexing: index | summary
            index: enable-bm25
        field url type string {
            indexing: index | summary
        field date type int {
            indexing: summary | attribute
            attribute: fast-search
        field clicks type int {
            indexing: summary | attribute
        field impressions type int {
            indexing: summary | attribute

    fieldset default {
        fields: title, abstract, body

Write to file: news/my-app/schemas/

The document is wrapped inside another element called schema. The name following these elements, here news, must be exactly the same for both.

This document contains several fields. Each field has a type, such as string, int, or tensor. Fields also have properties. For instance, property indexing configures the indexing pipeline for a field, which defines how Vespa will treat input during indexing — see indexing language. Each part of the indexing pipeline is separated by the pipe character '|':

Here, we also use the index property, which sets up parameters for how Vespa should index the field. For the title, abstract, and body fields, we configure Vespa to set up an index compatible with bm25 ranking for text search.

Deploy the Application Package

With the two necessary files above, we are ready to deploy the application package. Make sure it looks like this (use ls if tree is not installed):

├── schemas
│   └──
└── services.xml
$ vespa deploy --wait 300 my-app

Feeding data

The data fed to Vespa must match the schema for the document type. The downloaded MIND data must be converted to a valid Vespa JSON document format before it can be fed to Vespa:

$ python3 src/python/ mind

The argument is where to find the downloaded data above, which was in the mind directory. This script creates a new file in that directory called vespa.json. This contains all 28603 news articles in the data set. This file can now be fed to Vespa. Use the method described in the previous part:

$ vespa feed mind/vespa.json --target http://localhost:8080

vespa feed reads a JSON array of document operations, or JSONL with one Vespa document JSON formatted operation per line. Once the feed job finishes, all our 28 603 documents are searchable, let us do a quick query to verify:

$ vespa query -v 'yql=select * from news where true' 'hits=0'

You can verify that specific documents are indexed by fetching documents by document id using the Document V1 API:

$ vespa document -v get id:news:news::N10864

The first query

Searching with Vespa is done using HTTP(S) GET or HTTP(S) POST requests, like:


or with a JSON POST:

    "yql" : "select ..",
    "hits" : 2

The only mandatory parameter is the query, using either yql=<yql query> or query=<simple-query>. More details in the Query API.

Consider the query: select * from news where default contains "music"

Given the above schema, where the fields title, abstract and body are part of the fieldset default, any document containing the word "music" in one or more of these fields matches that query. Let's try that with either a GET query:

$ vespa query -v 'yql=select * from news where default contains "music"'  

or a POST JSON query (Notice the Content-Type header specification):

$ curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"yql" : "select * from sources * where default contains \"music\""}' \
  http://localhost:8080/search/ | python3 -m json.tool

Looking at the output, please note:

  • The field documentid in the output and how it matches the value we assigned to each put operation when feeding data to Vespa.
  • Each hit has a property named relevance, which indicates how well the given document matches our query, using a pre-defined default ranking function. You have full control over ranking — more about ranking and ordering later. The hits are sorted by this value (descending).
  • When multiple hits have the same relevance score, their internal ordering is undefined. However, their internal ordering will not change unless the documents are re-indexed.
  • You can add &trace.level=3 to dump query parsing details and execution plan, see query tracing.
  • The totalCount field at the top level contains the number of documents that matched the query.
  • Also note the coverage element, this tells us how many documents and nodes we searched over. Coverage might be degraded, see graceful degradation.

Prefer HTTP POST over GET in production due to limitations on URI length (64 Kb).

Query examples

$ vespa query -v 'yql=select title from news where title contains "music"'  

Again, this is a search for the single term "music", but this time explicitly in the title field. This means that we only want to match documents that contain the word "music" in the field title. As expected, you will see fewer hits for this query than for the previous one searching the fieldset default. Also note that we scope the select to only return the title.

$ vespa query -v 'yql=select title from news where default contains "music" and default contains "festival"'  

This is a query for the two terms "music" and "festival", combined with an AND operation; it finds documents that match both terms, not just one of them.

$ vespa query -v \
  'yql=select title from news where userQuery()' \
  'query=music festival' \

This combines YQL userQuery() with Vespa's simple query language. In this case, documents needs to match both "music" and "festival".

$ vespa query -v \
  'yql=select title from news where userQuery()' \
  'query=music festival -beer' \

Above changes the query type from all to any, so that all documents that match either (or both) of the terms are returned, excluding documents with the term "beer". Note that number of hits which are matched and ranked increases the computational complexity of the query execution. See using WAND with Vespa for a way to speed up evaluation of type any/or-like queries.

$ vespa query -v \
  'yql=select title from news where userQuery()' \
  'query=music festival' \
  'type=phrase' \

Above searches using type=phrase which requires the exact phrase "music festival" to match in the title.

$ vespa query -v \
  'yql=select title from news where rank(userQuery(), title contains "festival")' \

Search for "music" in the default fieldset, boost documents with festival in the title. The rank() query operator allows us to retrieve on the first operand, and have match ranking features calculated for the second operand argument. The second and further operands does not impact recall (which documents match the query), but can be used to tune precision (ordering of the results). More on ranking in the next part of the tutorial.


We now have a Vespa application running with searchable data. In the next part of the tutorial, we'll explore searching with sorting, grouping, and ranking results.