/application/v2/tenant API reference

This is the /application/v2/tenant API reference with examples for the HTTP REST API to list, create and delete a tenant, which can be used to deploy an application.

The response format is JSON. The tenant value is "default".

The current API version is 2. The API port is 19071 - use vespa-model-inspect service configserver to find config server hosts - example: http://myconfigserver.mydomain.com:19071/application/v2/tenant/

HTTP requests

HTTP request application/v2/tenant operation Description

List tenant information.

List tenants


Example response:

Get tenant


Example response:

    "message": "Tenant 'default' exists."

Create a new tenant.

Create tenant


Response: A message with the name of the tenant created - example:

    "message" : "Tenant default created."

Delete a tenant.

Delete tenant


Response: A message with the deleted tenant:

    "message" : "Tenant default deleted."

Request parameters


HTTP status codes

Non-exhaustive list of status codes. Any additional info is included in the body of the return call, JSON-formatted.

400 Bad request. Client error. The error message should indicate the cause.
404 Not found. For example using a session id that does not exist.
405 Method not implemented. E.g. using GET where only POST or PUT is allowed.
500 Internal server error. Generic error. The error message should indicate the cause.

Response format

Responses are in JSON format, with the following fields:

Field Description
message An info/error message.