Vespa Cloud This page's content is applicable to Vespa Cloud.

Migrating to Vespa Cloud

Migrating a Vespa application to Vespa Cloud is straightforward, as applications on Vespa Cloud supports all the same features as your self-hosted Vespa instances, you're just gaining some new capabilities and avoid the operational work.

The high-level process is as follows:

  1. Functional validation using the dev environment (this guide).
  2. Deployment to a prod zone.

The rest of this guide assumes you have a tenant ready for deployment:

$ export VESPA_TENANT_NAME=mytenant

1. Verify source application package

An application package from a self-hosted system can be deployed with minor modifications to the Vespa Cloud dev environment.

The root of an application package might look at this:

├── schemas
│   └──
└── services.xml

There are often more files, the above is a minimum. This is the root of the application package - make this the current working directory:

$ cd /location/of/app/package

2. Validate the Vespa CLI

Make sure the Vespa CLI is installed, see pre-requisites above:

$ vespa
  vespa [flags]
  vespa [command]

3. Vespa Cloud login

Configure the local environment and log in to Vespa Cloud:

$ vespa config set target cloud && \
  vespa config set application $VESPA_TENANT_NAME.myapp && \
  vespa auth login

4. Add Credentials to the Application package

Create and get security credentials:

$ vespa auth cert

This will add the security directory to the application package, and add a public certificate to it:

├── schemas
│   └──
├── security
│   └── clients.pem
└── services.xml

The command also installs a key/certificate pair in the Vespa CLI home directory, see vespa auth cert. This pair is used in subsequent accesses to the data plane for document and query operations.

5. Vespa Cloud Enclave Only: Add Account

Add deployment.xml with your cloud provider account - This ensures the deployment uses resources from the correct account - examples:

<deployment version="1.0" cloud-account="gcp:project-name">
   <dev />
<deployment version="1.0" cloud-account="aws:123456789012">
    <dev />

The application package should look like:

├── deployment.xml
├── schemas
│   └──
├── security
│   └── clients.pem
└── services.xml

6. Remove hosts.xml

hosts.xml is not used in Vespa Cloud, remove it.

7. Modify services.xml

Edit the <nodes> configuration in services.xml - from:

<container id="default" version="1.0">
        <node hostalias="node4" />
        <node hostalias="node5" />


<container id="default" version="1.0">
    <nodes count="2">
         <resources vcpu="2" memory="8Gb" disk="50Gb"/>

In short, this is the Vespa Cloud syntax for resource specifications.

Example, migrating from a cluster using c7i.2xlarge instance type, with a 200G disk - from the AWS specifications:

c7i.2xlarge  8  16  EBS-Only

Equivalent Vespa Cloud configuration:

<resources vcpu="8" memory="16Gb" disk="200Gb"/>

Repeat this for all clusters in services.xml. Notes:

  1. As you are now migrating to the dev environment, what is actually deployed is a minimized version. The configuration changes above are easily tested in this environment.
  2. Using count=2 is best practise at this point.
  3. Resources must match a node instance type at the cloud providers(s) deploying to, see AWS flavors and GCP flavors.

8. Deploy to Vespa Cloud Dev Environment

At this point, the local environment and the application package is ready for deployment:

$ vespa deploy --wait 600

Please note that a first-time deployment normally takes a few minutes, as resources are provisioned.

At this point, we recommend opening the console to observe the deployed application. The link will be (replace with your own names) - this is also easily found in the console main page:

dev view

Refer to vespa8 release notes for troubleshooting in case the deployments fails, based on a Vespa 7 (or earlier) version.

9. Use the Endpoints

The endpoints are shown in the console, one can also list them like:

$ vespa status query
Container default at is ready

Test the query endpoint, expect totalCount: 0:

$ vespa query 'select * from sources * where true'
    "root": {
        "id": "toplevel",
        "relevance": 1.0,
        "fields": {
            "totalCount": 0

In the services.xml examples at the start of this guide, both <search> and <document> and configured in the same cluster, named default. In case of multiple container clusters, select the one configured with <search>:

vespa query 'select * from sources * where true' --cluster myquerycluster

Finally, feed a document to the cluster (this is the cluster configured with <document>)

vespa feed mydoc.jsonl --cluster myfeedcluster

Redo the query and observe nonzero totalCount.

Next steps

This is the final step in the functional validation. Please note:

  • Read more about the dev environment
  • Feed (a subset) of the data and validate that queries and other API accesses work as expected.
  • At the end of the validation process, continue to production deployment to set up in production zones.