Ranking With Transformer Cross-Encoder Models

Cross-Encoder Transformer based text ranking models are generally more effective than text embedding models as they take both the query and the document as input with full cross-attention between all the query and document tokens.

The downside of cross-encoder models is the computational complexity. This document is a guide on how to export cross-encoder Transformer based models from huggingface, and how to configure them for use in Vespa.

Exporting cross-encoder models

For exporting models from HF to ONNX, we recommend the Optimum library. Example usage for two relevant ranking models.

Export intfloat/simlm-msmarco-reranker, which is a BERT-based transformer model for English texts:

$ optimum-cli export onnx --task text-classification -m intfloat/simlm-msmarco-reranker ranker

Export BAAI/bge-reranker-base, which is a ROBERTA-based transformer model for English and Chinese texts (multilingual):

$ optimum-cli export onnx --task text-classification -m BAAI/bge-reranker-base ranker

These two example ranking models use different language model tokenization and also different transformer inputs.

After the above Optimum export command you have two important files that is needed for importing the model to Vespa:

├── ranker
│   └── model.onnx
    └── tokenizer.json

The Optimum tool also supports various Transformer optimizations, including quantization to optimize the model for faster inference.

Importing ONNX and tokenizer model files to Vespa

Add the generated model.onnx and tokenizer.json files from the ranker directory created by Optimum to the Vespa application package:

├── models
│   └── model.onnx
    └── tokenizer.json
├── schemas
│   └── doc.sd
└── services.xml

Configure tokenizer embedder

To speed up inference, Vespa avoids re-tokenizing the document tokens, so we need to configure the huggingface-tokenizer-embedder in the services.xml file:

<container id="default" version="1.0">
    <component id="tokenizer" type="hugging-face-tokenizer">
      <model path="models/tokenizer.json">

This allows us to use the tokenizer while indexing documents in Vespa and also at query time to map (embed) query text to language model tokens.

Using tokenizer in schema

Assuming we have two fields that we want to index and use for re-ranking (title, body), we can use the embed indexing expression to invoke the tokenizer configured above:

schema my_document {
    document my_document {
        field title type string {..}
        field body type string {..}
    field tokens type tensor<float>(d0[512]) {
        indexing: (input title || "") . " "  .  (input body || "") | embed tokenizer | attribute

The above will concat the title and body input document fields, and input to the hugging-face-tokenizer tokenizer which saves the output tokens as float (101.0).
To use the generated tokens tensor in ranking, the tensor field must be defined with attribute.

Using the cross-encoder model in ranking

Cross-encoder models are not practical for retrieval over large document volumes due to their complexity, so we configure them using phased ranking.

Bert-based model

Bert-based models have three inputs:

  • input_ids
  • token_type_ids
  • attention_mask

The onnx-model configuration specifies the input names of the model and how to calculate them. It also specifies the file models/model.onnx. Notice also the GPU. GPU inference is not required, and Vespa will fallback to CPU if no GPU device is found. See section on performance.

rank-profile bert-ranker inherits default {
    inputs {
        query(q_tokens) tensor<float>(d0[32])
    onnx-model cross_encoder {
        file: models/model.onnx
        input input_ids: my_input_ids
        input attention_mask: my_attention_mask
        input token_type_ids: my_token_type_ids
        gpu-device: 0
    function my_input_ids() {
        expression: tokenInputIds(256, query(q_tokens), attribute(tokens))

    function my_token_type_ids() {
        expression: tokenTypeIds(256, query(q_tokens), attribute(tokens))

    function my_attention_mask() {
        expression: tokenAttentionMask(256, query(q_tokens), attribute(tokens))

    first-phase {
        expression: #depends on the retriever used

    # The output of this model is a tensor of size ["batch", 1]
    global-phase {
        rerank-count: 25
        expression: onnx(cross_encoder){d0:0,d1:0}

The example above limits the sequence length to 256 using the built-in convenience functions for generating token sequence input to Transformer models. Note that tokenInputIds uses 101 as start of sequence and 102 as padding. This is only compatible with BERT-based tokenizers. See section on performance about sequence length and impact on inference performance.

Roberta-based model

ROBERTA-based models only have two inputs (input_ids and attention_mask). In addition, the default tokenizer start of sequence token is 1 and end of sequence is 2. In this case we use the customTokenInputIds function in my_input_ids function. See customTokenInputIds.

rank-profile roberta-ranker inherits default {
    inputs {
        query(q_tokens) tensor<float>(d0[32])
    onnx-model cross_encoder {
        file: models/model.onnx
        input input_ids: my_input_ids
        input attention_mask: my_attention_mask
        gpu-device: 0
    function my_input_ids() {
        expression: customTokenInputIds(1, 2, 256, query(q_tokens), attribute(tokens))

    function my_attention_mask() {
        expression: tokenAttentionMask(256, query(q_tokens), attribute(tokens))

    first-phase {
        expression: #depends on the retriever used

    # The output of this model is a tensor of size ["batch", 1]
    global-phase {
        rerank-count: 25
        expression: onnx(cross_encoder){d0:0,d1:0}

Using the cross-encoder model at query time

At query time, we need to tokenize the user query using the embed support.

The embed of the query text, sets the query(q_tokens) tensor that we defined in the ranking profile.

    "yql": "select title,body from doc where userQuery()",
    "query": "semantic search",
    "input.query(q_tokens)": "embed(tokenizer, \"semantic search\")",
    "ranking": "bert-ranker",

The retriever (query + first-phase ranking) can be anything, including nearest neighbor search a.k.a. dense retrieval using bi-encoders.


There are three major scaling dimensions:

  • The number of hits that are re-ranked rerank-count Complexity is linear with the number of hits that are re-ranked.
  • The size of the transformer model used.
  • The sequence input length. Transformer models scales quadratic with the input sequence length.

For models larger than 30-40M parameters, we recommend using GPU to accelerate inference. Quantization of model weights can drastically improve serving efficiency on CPU. See Optimum Quantization


The MS Marco sample application demonstrates using cross-encoders.

Using cross-encoders with multi-vector indexing

When using multi-vector indexing we can do the following to feed the best (closest) paragraph using the closest() feature into re-ranking with the cross-encoder model.

schema my_document {
    document my_document {  
        field paragraphs type array<string>string {..}
    field tokens type tensor<float>(p{}, d0[512]) {
        indexing: input paragraphs | embed tokenizer | attribute
    field embedding type tensor<float>(p{}, x[768]) {
        indexing: input paragraphs | embed embedder | attribute

Notice that both tokens use the same mapped embedding dimension name p.

rank-profile max-paragraph-into-cross-encoder inherits default {
    inputs {
        query(tokens) tensor<float>(d0[32])
        query(q) tensor<float>(x[768])
    first-phase {
        expression: closeness(field, embedding)
    function best_input() {
        expression: reduce(closest(embedding)*attribute(tokens), max, p)
    function my_input_ids() {
        expression: tokenInputIds(256, query(tokens), best_input)
    function my_token_type_ids() {
        expression: tokenTypeIds(256, query(tokens), best_input)

    function my_attention_mask() {
        expression: tokenAttentionMask(256, query(tokens), best_input)
    match-features: best_input my_input_ids my_token_type_ids my_attention_mask
    global-phase {
        rerank-count: 25
        expression: onnx(cross_encoder){d0:0,d1:0} #Slice 

The best_input uses a tensor join between the closest(embedding) tensor and the tokens tensor, which then returns the tokens of the best-matching (closest) paragraph.

This tensor is used in the other Transformer-related functions (tokenTypeIds tokenAttentionMask tokenInputIds) as the document tokens.