Set a configuration option.
vespa config set option-name value [flags]
# Set the target to Vespa Cloud
$ vespa config set target cloud
# Set application, without a specific instance. The instance will be named "default"
$ vespa config set application
# Set application with a specific instance
$ vespa config set application
# Set the instance explicitly. This will take precedence over an instance specified as part of the application option.
$ vespa config set instance other-instance
# Set an option in local configuration, for the current application only
$ vespa config set --local zone
-h, --help help for set
-l, --local Write option to local configuration, i.e. for the current application
-a, --application string The application to use (cloud only). Format "tenant.application.instance" - instance is optional
-C, --cluster string The container cluster to use. This is only required for applications with multiple clusters
-c, --color string Whether to use colors in output. Must be "auto", "never", or "always" (default "auto")
-i, --instance string The instance of the application to use (cloud only)
-q, --quiet Print only errors
-t, --target string The target platform to use. Must be "local", "cloud", "hosted" or an URL (default "local")
-z, --zone string The zone to use. This defaults to a dev zone (cloud only)